Froyle Fete 2006

As this year's fête was the 60th, the main theme was the 1960s. Here are some pictures of the afternoon.
Contestants for the Fancy Dress await the judges
The Human Fruit Machine in action
Contestants for the Fancy Dress await the judges
The Human Fruit Machine in action
The Jumble Stall attracted its usual clientele
Crockery smashing was a very popular stall.
The Jumble Stall attracted its usual clientele
Crockery smashing was a very popular stall.
The Dog Show had a great variety of entrants
Many visitors enjoyed the Flower Show in the Village Hall
The Dog Show had a great variety of entrants
Many visitors enjoyed the Flower Show in the Village Hall
Despite the hosepipe ban, there was a good floral display
As usual the chefs were busy
Despite the hosepipe ban, there was a good floral display
As usual the chefs were busy
The hog roast
Members of the 514th QM Truck Regiment faced off against a 'bunch of hippies'
The hog roast
Members of the 514th QM Truck Regiment faced off against a 'bunch of hippies'