Froyle Fete 2010

This year's Fête, the 64th, was advertised as a traditional village entertainment, and it was just that.
Froyle Fete 2010
Froyle Fete 2010
The Boy's Brigade band led the parade which included this year's guest of honour, Mr Roy Norkett
Froyle Fete 2010 Froyle Fete 2010
Roy performed the official opening applauded by villagers
Froyle Fete 2010 Froyle Fete 2010
A display of old fête photographs attracted much interest
There were plenty of things to buy
Froyle Fete 2010
Froyle Fete 2010
The Bric a Brac stall
Games for all - the coconut shie
Froyle Fete 2010
Froyle Fete 2010
The Jumble stall attracted much interest
Busy trade at the Bottle Stall
Froyle Fete 2010
Froyle Fete 2010
The Gardening Club's Plant Stall
Perhaps these two should have been in the England team!
Froyle Fete 2010 Froyle Fete 2010
Welly whanging Nigel Southern & Eddie Hatcher in charge of the barbecue
Froyle Fete 2010 Froyle Fete 2010
The Gardening Club's Summer Show in the Village Hall Prizewinning flower arrangement
Froyle Fete 2010 Froyle Fete 2010
Despite the 'unusual' growing conditions this year, there was still a splendid display of flowers, vegetables and produce