Froyle Fete 2011

This year's Fête, the 65th, was advertised as a traditional village entertainment, and it was just that.

Froyle Fete 2011
Froyle Fete 2011

The Boy's Brigade band led the parade which included
children from Treloar School in Upper Froyle

Amanda, one of Treloars students, opened the Fête.
Froyle Fete 2011 Froyle Fete 2011
The Jumble Stall did brisk business
It wouldn't be a traditional fête without animals to pet
Froyle Fete 2011 Froyle Fete 2011
The coconut shie under the watchful eye of Mr Mark Cray
There were plenty of things to buy on the Bric a Brac stall
Froyle Fete 2011
Froyle Fete 2011
The cake stall sold out very early
Froyle's Design Statement was on show for all
Froyle Fete 2011
Froyle Fete 2011
An excellent display of Rolls Royces
Froyle Fete 2011
Froyle Fete 2011
Despite the weather, the sales of Pimms went well
Perhaps these two should have been in the England team!
Froyle Fete 2011 Froyle Fete 2011
Nigel Southern & Eddie Hatcher in charge of the barbecue once more One eager Dog Show entrant
Froyle Fete 2011 Froyle Fete 2011
There were plenty of entrants for the Dog Show
Froyle Fete 2011 Froyle Fete 2011
And it was a very good competition
Froyle Fete 2011 Froyle Fete 2011
Despite the rather extreme growing conditions this year, there was still a splendid display of flowers, vegetables and produce