Froyle Fete 2013

This year's Fête, the 67th, was held under clear skies and ever increasing temperatures, a contrast from the year before!
(No video this year, as the cameraman's brain was affected by the heat!!)

Froyle Fete 2013
Froyle Fete 2013

We (Annette & Chris Booth) were honoured to open the Fête this year and made a grand entrance in our open Renault Cabriolet!

There was plenty of water to keep all contestants in the Dog Show cool
Froyle Fete 2013 Froyle Fete 2013
There was plenty to buy. The Jumble (left) did a roaring trade, while Kim (right) sold out of her sun hats as soon as the Fête opened!
Froyle Fete 2013 Froyle Fete 2013
Eddie Hatcher, Nigel Southern & Nigel Fisher got even hotter
running the barbecue
The Bric a Brac stall was as popular as ever
Froyle Fete 2013
Froyle Fete 2013
Froyle Fete 2013
Froyle Fete 2013
Our traditional coconut shie (direct hit, right)
Teas were very popular
Froyle Fete 2013
Froyle Fete 2013
The Flower Show had a good number of entries despite the weird Spring and early Summer weather
Froyle Fete 2013 Froyle Fete 2013
Not just flowers, but a large variety of other classes for people to enter
Froyle Fete 2013 Froyle Fete 2013
Froyle Fete 2013 Froyle Fete 2013